Además de poder recorrer la región más austral del mundo a bordo de camionetas 4×4, es posible vivir una aventura inolvidable en motos de nieve, también conocidas como “snow cats”. Este vehículo es biplaza, es decir, que tiene capacidad para dos pasajeros y se incluye dentro de la “Lagos Crossing” de Ushuaia.
Characteristics of the snowmobile
A snowmobile, snowmobile or snowcat is a land vehicle powered by a single wheel "tracked" drive with skis on the sides for handling. They were designed exclusively to be handled on snow or ice, without the use of any type of road or marked path.
Most snowmobiles are powered by a two-stroke engine, but four-strokes are becoming increasingly popular.
The first were modified Ford Model T's (the chassis was replaced by skis) and their use became popular because they were used to send mail to remote rural locations. The first snow cat was hand-built in 1923 and in 1927 was granted a patent in the United States, where Polaris Industries pioneered mass production.
Modern snowmobiles can reach a speed of 193 km/hour (racing ones 241 km) and are used as vehicles for traveling, reaching inaccessible places or just having fun.
Snowmobile excursion in Ushuaia
Se llama “Travesía 4×4” y como su nombre lo indica comienza con un recorrido a bordo de camionetas Land Rover Defender por el Paso Garibaldi y los Lagos Escondido y Fagnano. En este último se almuerza un delicioso cordero fueguino, se camina con raquetas de nieve y tras ello, se puede optar por hacer un paseo a bordo de snow cats.
The circuits in snowmobiling in Ushuaia are guided and their duration will depend on snow conditions and group management. Each one has a capacity for two passengers and the tours can be:
- From 5 km: 20 to 35 minutes.
- From 10 km: 35 to 50 minutes.
- From 15 km: between 1 hour and 1 hour and a half.
You don't need to be an expert to drive a snow cat, but you do need to reserve a spot in advance. Are you going to miss the chance to live an amazing experience aboard a snow cat? snowmobiling in Ushuaia ?